Kwanza Price
Global Health Economics and Outcomes Research
Kwanza Price moved to Silicon Valley in 2018 from NYC after being recruited by a mid-sized pharma company based in Palo Alto. Kwanza has worked in healthcare for more than a decade and has a graduate degree from Columbia University. Prior to grad school, she worked for an international non-government organization focused on development in Africa. She lived in Niger for two years helping to oversee a multi-million dollar project aimed at reducing food insecurity. Kwanza studied French and Mathematics at Bryn Mawr College.
In the community, Kwanza is part of a Black Biotech group focused on developing an African-American Art museum and Center of Inclusive Innovation along the San Francisco Bay pier. She is also in discussions with leaders in East Palo Alto to renovate the library there.
Kwanza is a health economist in her current role and has a strong interest in technological innovation and opportunities to address inequality. She grew up in Washington, DC and still has a large extended family there. This is her first time living in California and she is based in Menlo Park.
Kwanza Price