Wonder Woman
You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself
any direction you choose.
You're on your own. And you know what you know
And YOU are the guy [ahem, gal!] who'll decide where to go. — Dr. Seuss
I simply cannot say how deeply delightful recording this podcast was for so many reasons. Silvia Coulter threw me so many curve balls in our chat on my podcast that I was jaw-dropped much of the time. Who knew? Not only did we both attend Northeastern in Boston (she was actually graduated from Northeastern), she knew exactly where I used to live on the South Shore. We had so much fun talking about everything from happy thoughts like Beantown back then to fine China and sad thoughts like the empathy we share for one another, caring for ailing and aging — dying — mothers. I learned things about Silvia that brought tears to my eyes and in the same sitting made my cheeks burn from smiling so much. You too will learn more about this amazing woman in this podcast I call, “The Secret Life of Silvia Coulter.”
Most of us know and love Silvia for her for her experience as a legal business development phenom. She has been a “shero” of mine for many years in the industry. Her current role at LawVision Group is as Co-founding Principal and she is also an Adjunct Professor at George Washington University, College of Professional Studies in the Masters in Law Firm Management Program. Silvia is widely regarded as one of the legal industry’s most experienced business development, leadership and organizational culture experts. Her experience includes working as a former strategic account executive and sales leader at a Fortune 50 company, a chief marketing and business development officer of two global law firms, and consultant and facilitator to firms across the globe.
Law firm leaders rely on her experience and assistance with leadership development, culture assessments and business development strategy. In 2010 she was given the highest recognition in the industry among her peer group and was inducted into the Legal Marketing Hall of Fame. She is a co-founder of the Legal Sales and Service Organization (LSSO) and a Past Elected President of the Legal Marketing Association and a Fellow of the College of Law Practice Management. She is a frequent speaker and facilitator at law firm retreats and legal industry meetings.
LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/silviacoulter/
EMAIL: scoulter@lawvisiongroup.com
MOBILE: (617) 697-4869