Wonder Woman in Business, Jory Des Jardins

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Jory Des Jardins

Jory Des Jardins is CMO of the @ Company, builder of an internet protocol designed to put control over online data and user experiences back into the hands of People. She is passionate about making capital funding and business-building resources available to talented, underrepresented founders. She is VC in Residence at the W Fund. Jory pioneered social marketing as Co-Founder and President of BlogHer, a media marketplace representing thousands of digital influencers, which reached 100 million monthly unique viewers at the time of its acquisition. Jory has advised dozens of scaling startups, focusing on companies that are evolving digital influence, social content, media models, consumer marketplaces, eCommerce, Blockchain/token-based economies, and AR/VR/MR. Among the companies she has formally advised are PracticalXR, Lifescape, AIKON, and the entrepreneur network SheWorx.

Jory Des Jardins

Connect with Jory

Company’s Website: https://atsign.com/

This tells the story of The @ Company and how @signs work.

LinkedIn newsletter:


Social: @jory

Phone: 415.786.6126

Email: jory@atsign.com