Wonder Woman in Business, April Hurst

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April Hurst

When living your purpose becomes urgent, where do you turn?

 That was the question April Hurst asked herself in 2009. She had a six-figure sales and marketing job that no longer fed her soul. Realizing that PURPOSE was lying just beyond a potential layoff, she left the old world to embark on a new one filled with unexpected turns, tremendous challenges and unchartered territory. After more than a decade of investing in her own personal and professional development, she realized there were essential life management tools women needed to elevate their game to become a WOMAN ON FIRE.

April Hurst is a highly sought-after coach, business leader and keynote speaker who specializes in helping women access life and business management tools to live a more purposeful life.

April’s book, “Woman on Fire: 12 Ways to Harness Boldness, Authentic Power and Stand in Your Truth” is scheduled to release in April/early May 2021.

People can subscribe to get notified of the release date by going to: greatliveswork.com

April Hurst

Contact April

Network Vice President, OH/IN/KY/MI/IL

Independent Associate

Cincinnati, OH

C: 312-520-0715


Our Purpose is to Protect and Empower People



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