Diane Schwartz
CEO of Ragan Communications
Diane Schwartz is the Chief Executive Officer of Ragan Communications, a media company that serves communicators with best-in-class events, training, peer-to-peer gatherings and award-winning service journalism via the Ragan and PR Daily brands. Signature conferences cover topics ranging from crisis management to internal communications to PR measurement to employee experience. The Ragan Communications Leadership Council is the premier membership organization for internal communications leaders; and Ragan Training is one of the most-used online training portals for communicators. She joined Ragan after 23 years at Access Intelligence, where she was senior vice president and group publisher of the Media Communications Group. She led the group to unprecedented growth, overseeing brands including PR News, Cynopsis, AdExchanger, Admonsters, Social Shakeup and Folio. Diane has launched more than 100 conferences, web sites, publications, awards programs, books and e-media ventures. Her board experience includes The Institute for Public Relations, the Alliance for Women in Media, the Specialized Information Publishers Association and American Business Media. She is a volunteer for Make-A-Wish and Visiting Nurse & Hospice of Fairfield County. She lives in Wilton, Connecticut, has two children, a dog and one husband. Check out Ragan Communications at www.ragan.com.

Diane Schwartz