Kimberley Heart
Kimberley Heart, B.Sc., PA, MA has been a trusted advisor to world-changers and maverick leaders for more than twenty years. She consults and lectures internationally on relationships and the challenge of personal change. She has been featured on CBS and NBC national news and cited in Cosmopolitan, Glamour, and multiple regional newspapers and magazines. She has hosted her own talk radio show on both coasts and has been a guest on over 150 radio stations, including KABC, KFI, KCBS, WOR, WINS, and WCBS. Her first book, When Fairy Tale Romances Break Real Hearts, was met with enthusiastic acclaim from readers and reviewers alike.
As a nationally recognized keynote speaker and change agent, Kimberley is best recognized for presenting forward-thinking topics including “Crisis is your Best Friend”, “Leadership Dilemma: Nothing Changes Until You Do,” “The New Face of Leadership is 30 Years Old” and “Matter and Make Money”.
"Business With Heart" - where business gets personal is at the core of Kimberley’s strategic business consulting. She discusses with CEO’s why PEOPLE are the bedrock of their business and instructs them on how they can move their business to the next level through proven tactics and processes.
“I believe that any problem can be solved by creating an organizational awareness that encourages a culture that recognizes individual development needed, empowers employee autonomy, and manages for next-generation leaders. I partner with Executives to identify leadership dysfunction, outdated work processes and individual development needs to affect a cultural shift that will dramatically increase employee engagement & retention while creating an agile workforce. “
Kimberley Heart
Stop Giving and Start Receiving. Here is Why!
Contact Kimberley
Kimberley Heart
President & Founder
Mentoring the Masters
Get Love
(818) 421-3950