Wonder Woman in Business, Sarah Feingold


Sarah Feingold

About Sarah:

Sarah Feingold is a co-founder of The Fourth Floor, a next-level community democratizing womxn's access to board seats and investments to drive systemic change. Previously, she was the General Counsel and first lawyer at Etsy and Vroom. She is a creator and producer of Legal Madness, an NYU Law School Engelberg Center fellow, a board member, an investor, and a speaker. You can also find Sarah hammering silver, eating candy, and chasing her child.

Sarah’s passion project:

Legal Madness: Legal Madness (www.legalmadness.party). Lawyers inside tech companies have powerful, hilarious and maddening stories, but confidentiality obligations have kept them silent. Until now. In collaboration with NYU Law School, I collected secret stories from attorneys, turned their tales into monologues, and hired actors to perform them on stage.  Our first (and only) live production was a sold out, hilarious, success.  The tech and legal communities showed up!  I have spent the pandemic scaling the production and talking with TV and theater insiders.  I’d love any connections! Let’s bring the madness. 

Sarah Feingold

Learn more about Sarah


