Robin Hauser
Robin Hauser is the director and producer of cause-based documentary films at Finish Line Features and President of Unleashed Productions. Robin’s award-winning film, CODE: Debugging the Gender Gap, premiered at Tribeca Film Festival 2015, and has caught the attention of the international tech industry and of policymakers and educators in Washington, DC and abroad. Robin’s most recent documentary, bias, explores unconscious bias and how it affects us socially and in the workplace. She delivered a TED talk about the impact of unconscious bias on artificial intelligence, and is a frequent speaker at major conferences on topics including diversity and inclusion, the importance of ethical AI and gender equality. Robin has been featured in international publications: Forbes, Fortune, The New Yorker, The Atlantic, Fast Company, Cosmopolitan, Glamour, USA Today, Wired, Marie Claire, San Francisco Business Times and has appeared on Bloomberg TV, CNN, NPR, CNBC.
Robin Hauser
Contact Robin
Robin Hauser
Director / Producer
biasfilm.comFinish Line Features, LLC.
Unleashed Productions, Inc.