Wonder Woman in Business, Vivian Hood


Vivian Hood


As one of the owners of Jaffe, Vivian Hood balances her responsibilities between managing the agency’s relationships with our clients and staff and providing our clients with high-level and strategic PR account leadership, directing teams that execute and implement successful media relations programs. An experienced PR professional and one of Lawdragon's "100 Leading Legal Consultants and Strategists," Vivian delivers critical counsel surrounding high-profile litigation, sensitive matters, and crisis management. Clients rely on Vivian and trust her guidance when it matters most.

Serving as an integral senior member of a firm’s marketing department, Vivian takes pride in developing long-term relationships with clients, many of whom she has worked with for a minimum of five, 10, and more years. These partnerships have enabled Vivian to become a trusted advisor to many of the country’s top corporate firms. While some media relations programs focus on immediate results, others depend on long-range planning and benefit from working with someone who fully knows and understands a firm’s culture, philosophies, history and management style. That’s why Vivian’s enduring relationships with her clients allow her to manage effective media relations strategies that she adapts to fit each firm’s evolving needs.

Vivian is active with LMA International and LMA Southeast Region and an editorial board member for Marketing The Law Firm. She is a frequent speaker and published author on a range of marketing and PR, crisis communications, and media relations topics.

Vivian Hood

Connect with Vivian

Vivian Hood

Owner/CEO, Public Relations

Office: 904.220.1915

Mobile: 904.233.6565

Twitter: @vivianhood

LinkedIn: in/VivianHood

An award-winning, full-service marketing, branding and PR agency

Wonder Woman in Business, Kelli Stonework


Kelli Stonework

Kelli Y. Stonework is Founder of KYS Solutions, a training company specializing in helping business professionals develop effective verbal and nonverbal communication skills.  Since speaking and listening are an everyday occurrence, Kelli believes we owe it to ourselves to invest in strategies that will help enhance these communication skills that greatly impact our business and personal relationships. 

Having has over 30 years’ experience in the financial services industry, Kelli has been known to assist new hires as well as executives prepare and deliver impactful and engaging presentations.  A Communication Strategist, TTI Success Insights Certified Assessments Partner and Women Speakers Association Premier Member, Kelli has been featured in various publications and conferences; Forbes, Entrepreneur.com,  American Bar Association GP Solo Magazine, Blacks In Government National Training Institute, and Working Mother Multicultural Women’s National Conference.

Kelli is the author of The Ultimate Presentation Roadmap: How to Write for the Right Audience and Present with Confidence.  She is also an author of two devotions for Mothers and Women in Business. Being a mother and business owner herself, Kelli has a special passion for helping women find their ultimate voice and thrive.  Kelli created the Permission Granted to S.T.A.Y. #StartThinkingAboutYOU® movement to give women the tools to channel their inner drive to achieve.   

Kelli holds a degree in Economics with concentrations in Accounting and Finance from Rutgers University. 

Kelli Stonework

Connect with Kelli

Twitter and IG: @LadySpeechCoach

LinkedIn: Kelli Stonework

Facebook: Kelli Y. Stonework, KYS Solutions

Website: kyssolutions.com

Wonder Woman in Business, Topaz Smith

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Topaz Smith

At EN-NOBLE, we serve travelers who are frustrated by underwhelming mass market tourism options, who are looking for travel experiences that your typical traveler drives past on a tour bus. We curate authentic and immersive experiences that blend popular tourist attractions with lesser-known cultures. We pledge that 1% of our revenue goes back to be reinvested with our local vendors to build their capacity and travel products.

Due to current travel restrictions as a result of COVID-19, we at EN-NOBLE have curated local tourism initiatives that feature international cultures inside of New York City. 

One of our local tourism initiatives is Peru in NYC! Join us on this adventure showcasing cultural social spaces that highlight authentic elements of Peru. This is a taste and see experiment that will give you an opportunity to explore this country within the five boroughs. Visit our website at www.en-noble.com to book this experience today!

Our founder, Topaz Smith, is a cultural guru and has a background in tourism and policy. She  previously worked at a Leading Hotel of the World in Positano (Amalfi Coast), Italy, served in the U.S. Peace Corps, and worked at a United Nations global initiative in NYC. 

Topaz Smith

To learn more about Topaz and EN-NOBLE, please visit our website https://www.en-noble.com/our-story or our instagram https://www.instagram.com/en.noble/ 

Wonder Woman in Business, Lan Phan

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Lan Phan

community of SEVEN

Lan Phan is an award-winning marketer and strategist with over twenty years of marketing, advertising, membership, and leadership training experience. Lan is one of the leading global experts on membership and community development, speaking at Fortune 500 companies and renowned venues such as the United Nations, SXSW and consulting with CEOs and C-suite executives.

Lan is the founder and CEO of community of SEVEN, an invite-only membership community that brings leading executives, thought-leaders, and changemakers together to tackle and solve business and societal problems. Lan has a track history of building startups inside legacy brands; Before launching community of SEVEN, Lan was recruited by Alan Murray, CEO of Fortune Magazine, to join the executive team and develop and lead Fortune Connect, a startup within the storied brand; Lan also helped build CMO Masters Circle and Global CMO Growth Council, a startup within the Association of National Advertisers that includes over 350 CMOs from around the world mobilized to accelerate economic growth and advance societal good.

Lan has played a significant role in the gender equality movement, having served as the General Manager of SeeHer, the gender equality initiative. SeeHer has been instrumental in creating a new advertising discipline around gender equality, equipping the CMOs of the world's most prominent brands with a framework to eliminate unconscious bias in their messaging and improve their ROI along the way.

Lan is a serial entrepreneur, having built several successful businesses. Most notable, she co-founded the Hype! Agency considered one of the fastest-growing boutique talent and marketing agencies in the United States, specializing in branded entertainment and lifestyle clients such as Coachella Music Festival, Bonaroo, National Basketball Association, Activision, Red Bull, Comedy Central, to name a few.

Lan Phan earned a BA at Stanford University and a master's degree at Harvard Graduate School of Education. She graduated from Stanford University with honors and is the recipient of the prestigious J.E. Wallace Sterling Award, awarded to one graduating Stanford student each year, whose undergraduate leadership and volunteer activities have made the largest impact on the Stanford community.

Connect with Lan

community of SEVEN

Bringing leading executives, founders, thought-leaders, and changemakers together to solve big business and societal problems. community of SEVEN is an exclusive, invite-only membership for purpose-driven leaders. Our members are leaders in their industry, activists looking to change the world, founders of companies, in the C-suite, or rapidly approaching it. Their decision to align purpose and growth will shape the future for their organizations, their industries, and society for generations to come. Through the community of SEVEN program, members thrive as individuals and grow as leaders.





Wonder Woman in Business, Tatia Gordon-Troy

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Tatia Gordon-Troy

Tatia L. Gordon-Troy uses the hashtag, #behindthebook, because she has been the brains behind hundreds of books written by attorneys during her 30-year career as an editor, writer, and publisher. As the former head of publishing for the American Immigration Lawyers Association where she was responsible for a $4 million annual budget, Tatia was instrumental in transforming many attorneys into successful authors and thought leaders. For the past six years, she has continued to work with attorneys and other professionals to independently publish their work and leverage their expertise to better market themselves and their practices while attracting high-end clientele. She also works closely with small associations to strategically approach ways to build non-dues revenue using content and teaching how to repurpose, reuse, and recycle content to increase member outreach.

Because traditional publishing is restrictive and slow-moving, Tatia was drawn to the flexibility and excitement surrounding the world of independent publishing, which has given her the opportunity to learn, experiment, and lend her publishing expertise to a number of independent publishing clients to ensure the quality and professional presentation of their work.

Tatia is a creative yet analytical thinker, able to use both sides of her brain to accomplish her clients’ goals. She’s been known to breathe new life into stagnant and faltering publications, to create new ones with new perspectives. She refers to herself as a grinder because, “I roll up my sleeves and get sh*t done.” Tatia is skilled at seeing a need, a niche, or an opportunity for enhancement or creation of a new product or service to support audiences and drive new revenue sources.

After becoming a victim of downsizing at the age of 49, Tatia was determined to not stay a victim for long. Unfortunately, Tatia’s mother was suffering from dementia and in need of her attention as well. Her decision to start a business rather than jump back into the rat race stemmed from necessity and a desire to be her own boss. She brokered an outsourcing deal with her then-former employer and the rest is history. For three years, her family never knew she had been separated from her job—that’s how determined Tatia was to make her business work and to keep the bills paid.  

Tatia is an accomplished writer with a background in TV and print journalism. She’s ghostwritten for attorneys, a congressman, and several association presidents. She is quite proud of some of her most recent writing projects, which were sample research papers she wrote during the pandemic to help college students improve their writing skills.

Tatia is a Maryland attorney, an experienced and prolific writer, and an award-winning editor who is passionate about good writing and making people sound better than they ever thought they could. What author wouldn’t want that? She is the CEO of her own publishing consultancy and author services company, Ramses House Publishing LLC, visit www.publishingforlawyers.com. Follow her on LinkedIn, Twitter @tatia_troy, and search Clubhouse @behind the book. She also can be reached at tatiatroy@ramseshp.com.

Tatia Gordon-Troy

Connect with Tatia

Tatia L. Gordon-Troy, Esq. |Founder & CEO |Editor, Writer, Publisher

Ramses House Publishing LLC: Outsourced Editorial & Author Services 

Helping Attorneys Self-Publish to Leverage Their Expertise!

Building Revenue Streams | Publishing Books & Magazines | Editing & Writing for Professionals & Associations

tatiatroy@ramseshp.com  | www.ramseshp.com | Follow me on LinkedIn

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