Enjoy our conversation!
Tell me a little about your background and the services you offer:
I’ve worked in health care and legal – strategic planning, communications, and marketing. While I have a theatre background (and an MA in theatre from Ohio State), I also hold my MBA from University of Michigan, and I think my career has been defined by helping companies define their brand through narrative and audience. If you think about marketing, it is really storytelling and, more importantly, connecting the right audiences with the narratives that mean the most to them.
My current firm and the one I’m joining are both corporate firms. Kerr Russell has the unique attribute that 20% of the attorneys are also CPAs so they have an interesting consultative approach to the work, and Clark Hill has been in such a growth mode with a strong leadership commitment to redefining the way legal services are delivered. It’s exciting stuff!
What compelled you to get into legal marketing in the first place?
I truly enjoy helping attorneys find their brand voice and positioning. I think marketing strategy can be a lot of fun in a professional services environment.
What are a few things lawyers should know?
I hope that I can help them find their individual and firmwide point of view - one that differentiates them from their competition
Don't be discouraged after a few attempts that don't seem to succeed - we are creating a presence and awareness that will yield dividends
There is no silver bullet - it takes time to market yourself
If lawyers do not use your services, what might they expect?
No one will know who they are or how special they are. I love telling their stories and helping people discover what makes them tick.
What actionable advice or tips can you give lawyers?
Be patient. Listen to those with experience in areas that are new or foreign to you. Don’t be afraid to be your authentic self. People WILL respond.
It’s been said that you are quite the digital influencer and I would agree. Heather Morse wrote about you in her blog, “The Legal Watercooler” seen here: The Roy Sexton Effect or How to win friends and influence content?
How can people get in touch with you?
Connect with me on social media and check out my website:
Look for Roy on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and his website:
About Roy Sexton
Roy Sexton is responsible for leading Kerr Russell's marketing, business development, communications, and strategic planning efforts. He has nearly 20 years of experience in marketing, communications, business development, and strategic planning, having worked at Deloitte Consulting, Oakwood Healthcare (now Beaumont), Trott Law (formerly Trott & Trott), and St. Joseph Mercy Health System. He has been heavily involved regionally and nationally in the Legal Marketing Association as a board member, content expert, and presenter. He is treasurer-elect currently for the Legal Marketing Association’s Midwest Regional Board of Directors. He was named a Michigan Lawyers Weekly "Unsung Legal Hero" in 2018.
He earned his Bachelor’s degree from Wabash College, and holds two masters degrees: an MA in theatre from The Ohio State University and an MBA from the University of Michigan. He is a graduate of Leadership Detroit and Leadership A2Y, was a governor-appointed member of the Michigan Council of Labor and Economic Growth, and was appointed to the Michigan Mortgage Lenders Association Board of Governors in 2012. He served as an at-large member of LMA's Midwest Regional Board, served on the advisory committee for Strategies Magazine, and was a member of the Social Media SIG steering group. He has been involved on the following nonprofit boards and committees: First Step, Michigan Quality Council, National MS Society, ASPCA, Wabash College Southeast Michigan Alumni Association, Penny Seats Theatre Company and the Spotlight Players. He currently sits on the boards of Ronald McDonald House Charities of Ann Arbor, Royal Starr Film Festival, Mosaic Youth Theatre of Detroit, and He is a published author with two books Reel Roy Reviews, Volume 1 and Reel Roy Reviews Volume 2.