Katherine Hollar Barnard
CEO, Firesign Marketing
Katherine (Katie) Hollar Barnard, Chief Executive Officer
Firesign | Enlightened Legal Marketing
Katie started Firesign to help legal industry clients attract, win and retain business. She draws upon more than 10 years of experience at two of the nation’s largest law firms to build brands that connect and business plans that deliver.
As the chief marketing officer at Lathrop & Gage, and then Shook, Hardy & Bacon, Katie led all business development and marketing communications for the national Am Law 200 firms. She started the client feedback program at Lathrop, now in its ninth year, and launched the award-winning agribusiness practice. Her full-scale rebrand of Shook earned “Best Identity” from the Legal Marketing Association’s Midwest chapter. During her Shook tenure, she also created a business development dashboard to show pitches and wins in real time, and most relevant to Firesign clients, her department brought in eight figures of new work.
Katie’s in-house marketing teams won recognition for branding, websites, internal programs and other tactics, but she may be more proud that she outlawed stock photos of gavels, law books and the scales of justice at both organizations.
Her experience extends beyond the discipline of marketing into the business of law; she is adept at marshalling resources, staff and technology. She has advised on leadership transitions, mergers and acquisitions, and office openings and closings.
A former journalist, Katie previously covered legal issues for the Associated Press and three newspapers. As a reporter, she learned to deliver under deadline, simplify complex ideas and wield a ruthless grammar standard.
Young Lawyer Essentials: Biographies and Social Media, Johnson County (Kan.) Bar Association - May 2018
Professional Development Workshop, Hispanic National Bar Association LGBT Leadership Summit - September 2017
Artificial Intelligence: Harnessing the Power of AI and Selling It Internally, Legal Marketing Association Annual Conference - March 2017
The Power of Brands, International Association of Defense Counsel Midyear Meeting - February 2016
Keeping it Legal on Social Media, Social Media Club of Kansas City - January 2016
CMO Roundtable, Legal Marketing Association - Kansas City Chapter - October 2015
Avoiding Public Humiliation on Social Media, Public Relations Student Society of America Summit, Kansas City - September 2014
Taking a Traditional Business into the Social Era, Social Media Club of Kansas City - April 2014
Law Firm Technology and What Clients Want: IT as a Catalyst, LEGALTECH - February 2014
Social Media for Law Firms, Association of Legal Administrators – Greater Kansas City Chapter - October 2013
Why the CMO is the CIO’s Best Friend, International Legal Technology Association Annual Conference - August 2013
Yikes! We’re a Meme, Public Relations Society of America – Greater Kansas City Chapter - January 2013
Career 2020: Take Control of Your Destiny, International Legal Technology Association Annual Conference - August 2012
The Next Sanjay Gupta? Expertise, Content and Engaging with the Media, Legal Marketing Association Annual Conference - March 2012
Client Feedback: The Essential First Steps, Legal Marketing Association’s Client Feedback Webinar Series - September 2010
Katherine Hollar Barnard, CEO, Firesign Marketing
Picapalooza Just For Fun
